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Club Activities

Upcoming Events

Fly & spy 2025
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Club Social Activities

Flying Activities

Club night

Every Friday from 5pm is club night. Sausage sizzle on every first Friday of the month. Visitors are welcome.


Scrabble is usually played by the ladies every Friday night from 5pm and they always try to beat Phoebe-Ann's scores. Men are welcome to the challenge!


Pool is played every Sunday morning from 11am


Anyone interested in a Mahjong game, please contact Veronica Lind.

Monthly sausage sizzle

Sausage sizzle is on every first Friday of the month. Visitors are welcome!

Monthly lunch

Lunch starts at 12.30 pm during Pilot Proficiency Days which is on the 3rd Sunday of every month.

Annual HDFC Open Day

Annual HDFC Open Day where members of the public can experience what HDFC has to offer, inspect the club's and members' aeroplanes, vintage cars, model aeroplanes, enjoy a trial intructional flight, BBQ and espresso coffee.

Annual presentations

We recognise students, pilots and club members for that efforts and achievements during HDFC annual presentation events.

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Monthly Pilot Flying Competition

Pilot Flying Competitions are on the 3rd Sunday of every month over 11 months of the year plus a navigation trial in December and January. The proficiency days are an excellent way to maintain and improve flying skills. Most sessions are of 20-30 minutes duration and participants fly with a Check Pilot.

$100 an hour

Annual Tri Club Competition

Annual Tri Club Competition is traditionally held between Hastings District Flying Club, Royal Newcastle Aeroclub and Manning River Aeroclub.

Annual Fly and Spy

Win Big prizes at HDFC's Annual Fly and Spy by seeking out Hasting's secrets. All pilots in Australia are invited to fly-in to participate. 

Fly Aways

Fly aways where pilots visit exciting remote destinations. Watch out for this in our events calendar.

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