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where people who believe in your flying dreams come together since 1958
Incorporating Port Macquarie Recreational Aviation and
Port Macquarie Flying School
Operates 7 days a week, since 1958

How does HDFC train our pilots?The Hastings District Flying Club (Port Macquarie Recreational Aviation) is a leader in Recreational Flying Training specialising in professional pilot development. Our enthusiastic team of highly professional and experienced flying instructors draws on experience from many facets of aviation and will ensure that your flying training is conducted thoroughly, professionally and to the highest standards. Training is conducted at Port Macquarie Airport (YPMQ) in a friendly atmosphere. Enquire about our flying training. HDFC continues the proud tradition began by Barrie Abbott (founding CFI in 1959) in turning out highly skilled and professional pilots. "One does not have to be young or overly courageous to fly the modern light aircraft. Few people are gifted pilots; most achieving a high degree of skill and standard of efficiency through undertaking a carefully planned course of instruction." - Barrie Abbott, CFI, HDFC, 1959 Barrie Abbott was CFI with HDFC for more than 20 years The purpose of the HASTINGS DISTRICT FLYING CLUB is to provide, on a non-profit basis, facilities and activities for the association of people interested in the promotion and development of aviation. Further, to encourage air-mindedness and interest in aviation in the youth of the Hastings district. "Our students always emerge more mature, disciplined, confident and responsible after they have gained their Pilot's Certificate. These characteristics stay with them for life and it sets them apart from others, even if they do not fly professionally. This is a wonderful privilege for every young individual. Our goal as a flying school is to produce GREAT and RESPECTED Pilots. We do this by ensuring total aviation safety and disciplined airmanship through accurate and professional flying training and Pilot Proficiency Days. We are second to none among all RA-AUS Flying Schools and General Avaition Schools." - Ray Lind, CFI and Club Captain since 1990 Ray Lind, CFI and Club Captain with HDFC. Enquire about our flying training.
New to Flying? Book a TIF.Book a Discovery Flight (Trial Instructional Flight - TIF) A Discovery Flight is a fantastic way to experience what flying is all about. With one of our professional flight instructors at your side, you will actually get to fly our aircraft! During your 30 to 40 minute hands-on flight, you will learn the basics of taxiing, take-off and maintaining straight and level flight. Best of all, you can log the flight time in your pilot's logbook if you decide to continue training. Cost A TIF costs $160 when flying in the Sling. Trial Instructional Flights are available now as a gift voucher. Booking your Discovery Flight Contact HDFC to book your discovery flight.
What types of Flying Training are available at HDFC?Whether you're starting out in flying as a new student pilot or you are an experienced pilot wanting to add an endorsement or need a BFR, HDFC can help. TRIAL INSTRUCTIONAL FLIGHT (TIF) A 30 to 40-minute "hands on" flight, designed to allow you to experience being a pilot to decide if you would like to start flying training. Purchase a Discovery Flight voucher. PILOT CERTIFICATE Pilot training course conducted in accordance with the RA-AUS Operations Manual. Please refer to our flying lesson sequences - ab initio training. All ab initio training is done in the Sling 2. Contact us for a discussion. INSTRUCTOR RATING Enquire about our instructor rating. Six week full time or part time courses are available. GA PILOT CONVERSION If you are an existing GA pilot, why not think about gaining your Recreational Pilot Certificate. (minimum 5 hours including 1 hour solo) Contact us. RIGHT HAND SEAT SAFETY COURSE An excellent course for partners of pilots who fly regularly in the right hand seat. We will teach you aeroplane handling skills, how to land and emergency procedures. Contact us. ENDORSEMENT TRAINING Passenger endorsement Cross Country endorsement High Performance Nose Wheel Controlled Airspace (available when approved by RA-Aus and CASA) Contact us. BIENNIAL FLIGHT REVIEW BFRs are available for existing RA-Aus Pilot Certificate holders. BFR cost at $220 an hour in the Sling Contact us. GROUND COURSES and BRIEFINGS Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) Navigation and Meteorology * Ground courses are subject to minimum number requirements. Please contact our CFI for course details. JOIN HDFC.
What are the requirements for flying training?Membership of the HDFC at $100 per annum is a requirement for all pilots wishing to fly the club aircraft. Join HDFC. Membership of RA-Aus is a requirement for all Ultralight Pilots at $189 per annum if you are under 18 and $275 per annum for those over 18, with a joining fee of $25. Please check their website for latest membership fees. Please click here to apply for RA-Aus membership. The health standard required for a pilot certificate is equivalent to that required for the issue of a private motor vehicle drivers licence in Australia. There is no minimum age for starting flying training. However, you must be 15 years of age to go solo or gain your pilot certificate. All student pilots will respect COVID safety meaures regulated by authorities and HDFC. Contact HDFC for flying training.
Who are our flying instructors?Highly Experienced and Professional Flying Instructors Our enthusiastic team of instructors draws on experience from many facets of aviation and will ensure that your flying training is conducted thoroughly, professionally and to the highest standards. Ray Lind, Chief Flying Instructor, Steve Smith, Senior Flying Instructor David Massey, Senior Flying Instructor Rod Hall, Senior Flying Instructor Bruce Dunlop, Flying Instructor Doug Toppazzini Flying training enquiries If you're interested to learn to fly please contact Ray Lind, T: 0428 820 698, E:
What are the costs of flying?You will be investing a minimum of $7,000 to obtain a Recreational Aviation Pilot Certificate. Please note that we DO NOT charge for landing fees. Go to this page JOIN HDFC to download HDFC membership kit for details of what the flying club is about, our activities, flying training, costs, and membership forms. Contact HDFC for flying training. Recreational Aviation Pilot Certificate (Estimated costs). Please refer to your flying instructor for latest pricing. TOTAL minimum $7,000 1. HDFC membership (must have) - $100/year 2. RAAus membership (must have) - under 18 at $199/year plus $30 joining fee - over 18 at $325/year plus $30 joining fee * please check RA-Aus website for latest fees 3. Basic Aeronautical Knowledge Theory Kit (BAK) - $100 4. BAK briefings (must do) 12 topics, about 12 to 15 hours - $40/hour 5. Air instruction (at least 20 hours, usually 20 to 25 hours). Discount available for 10 hours pre-paid. 6. $240/hour aircraft hire
How do we keep our Pilots current?Keeping our Pilots Current All pilots and stuident pilots are encouraged to participate in our monthly Pilot Proficiency Day and enjoy a barbeque lunch thereafter. This is held every third Sunday of each month with permitting weather. Pilot Proficiency Days This is an opportunity to brush up on flying skills with a coach/mentor in the right hand seat. Points are awarded but the emphasis is on proficient flying by all participants. The HDFC runs a monthly pilot proficiency day over 11 months of the year plus a navigation trial over December and January. The proficiency days are an excellent way to maintain and improve flying skills. Most sessions are of 20-30 minutes duration and participants fly with a Check Pilot. Both GA and RA aircraft participate in the same routine. Pilots may fly their own aircraft provided the check pilots are happy. Aircraft hire rate for the proficiency exercise will be reduced to $100/ hour. A sequence is usually between 0.4 and 0.5 hours. Student pilots are encouraged to participate and will not be asked to perform a sequence that they have not already undertaken in a lesson. Each proficiency day will have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd point system which will be used to determine annual awards. Air judges will have a 10 point handicap before any other handicap is applied. Monthly winners have a 10 point handicap for each time they win. There are three main annual awards: Most Proficient Pilot Forced Landing Proficiency Spot Landing Proficiency A countback system will be used so that a different pilot is successful in each category.
What aircraft do we train in?All ab initio flying training are in the Sling. More information about the Sling aircraft can be found here.
How do you book an aircraft?This page explains the terms and conditions of booking an aircraft and how you can book the HDFC's aircraft.
What is it like to learn to fly with HDFC?The Hastings District Flying Club (HDFC) prides itself in promoting and developing the interest in aviation and air-mindedness in the Hastings district. There is an obvious air of camaraderie in HDFC. This is due to the range of social and flying activities in which pilots, their families, friends and visiting pilots participate. HDFC is where people who believe in your flying dreams come together since 1958. "I would like to recommend Ray Lind to anyone wishing to learn to fly. He has trained my 16 year old son to fly. If you are a parent considering flight training for your son or daughter you can be assured they will be professionally and safely trained by an outstanding instructor. Ray Lind has not only trained my son to the utmost standards but he has also instilled confidence and competence in him. Ray is always encouraging, patient, and will provide excellent and proficient skills in anyone that he trains." - Mary, mother of Caleb Butterfield Listen to ABC radio interview - Ray Lind and Alex McGee Ray Lind, Chief Flying Instructor of the Hastings District Flying Club and Alexander McGee who is the youngest member to fly first solo were interviewed by ABC Radio at Port Macquarie. The interview describes the functions of HDFC as a flying club and flying school and asking Alex McGee about his historical moment. Watch our flying training video Flying Training in Port Macquarie The sky is their limit for these very young pilots at HDFC
First solo videos
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